In the fields of business and leadership, there are people whose successes go largely unnoticed. Then there are others who make a large impact by what they are doing and get recognition from their peers and society at large. One such recognition is the distinct honor of knighthood and being granted the noble title Sir and / or Dame for a lady.
The distinct honor of knighthood is bestowed based on what we might call "meritorious honors" of which there are eight. These recognition categories are:
Arts (Painting, Sculpture, Literature, Music, Cinema)
Architectural / Engineering
Entrepreneurship / Innovation
Heroism (Individual Acts, Armed (Defense Forces)
Medicine and Physiology
Sciences (Formal, Natural and Social)
Sports or other significant achievement
In 2022, I was bestowed the royal honor of being knighted as Sir Brad Blazar in a knighting investiture which is the ceremony of bestowing titles and honors to others. I joined other top leaders like Dame Toni Braxton, Dame Paula Abdul, Sir Ray Parker Jr and others.
In knighthood, one typically does not take this honor lightly as the responsibilities are to use the title for the betterment of mankind - through philanthropy, leadership and kindness to others.
The honor of knighthood is bestowed upon others by a true noble - like the Queen of England in the case of Sir Richard Branson or Sir Anthony Hopkins. The ability to grant this noble title is provided in what we call the "fount of honour" or in Latin (fons honorum) which provides one who by virtue of their official position, has the exclusive right of conferring legitimate titles to others. In my knighting, this honor was bestowed by H.R.H Prince Rafael Andujar Vilches.
Today, I use the title largely for philanthropic endeavours and work alongside my other "royal brothers and sisters." The honor of knighthood is both a challenge and a recognition - to keep leading with the same spirit of service and integrity that has distinguished that person's life and profession as well as service to others.